Corvette Forum Members Are Fighting C8 Dealer Markups

Dealer markups are an unfortunate side effect of the C8 Corvette's popularity, but now a group of dedicated members is calling them out.

By Brett Foote - September 4, 2019
Corvette Forum Members Are Fighting C8 Dealer Markups
Corvette Forum Members Are Fighting C8 Dealer Markups
Corvette Forum Members Are Fighting C8 Dealer Markups
Corvette Forum Members Are Fighting C8 Dealer Markups
Corvette Forum Members Are Fighting C8 Dealer Markups
Corvette Forum Members Are Fighting C8 Dealer Markups
Corvette Forum Members Are Fighting C8 Dealer Markups
Corvette Forum Members Are Fighting C8 Dealer Markups
Corvette Forum Members Are Fighting C8 Dealer Markups
Corvette Forum Members Are Fighting C8 Dealer Markups

Fighting Back

There's no denying the fact that the C8 Corvette is one of the most anticipated new cars in recent history. But the unfortunate side effect of that is, of course, dealer markups. However, our members here at Corvette Forum are fighting back against that greedy practice by calling out dealers that are marking up their new 'Vettes in this thread.

Photos: Corvette Forum

Naughty or Nice

The thread contains a list of Chevy dealers that are selling the C8 with a markup, as well as a list of dealers that have committed to selling C8s at MSRP. So far, the list contains a total of 56 dealerships ranked by the number of C8s they've sold to date.

>>Join the conversation about dealers marking up the C8 right here in the Corvette Forum!

Great Tool

It's quite the handy tool for anyone in the market for a C8. Dealerships marked with a "YES" are moving the cars at sticker, while those marked with a "NO" or "?" either have not made the commitment to sell at MSRP or have already marked them up.

>>Join the conversation about dealers marking up the C8 right here in the Corvette Forum!

Another One

There's also a separate list containing lower-volume Corvette dealers which are also separated by their sales tactics, just in case the higher-volume dealers run out of allocations or aren't located near you.

>>Join the conversation about dealers marking up the C8 right here in the Corvette Forum!

Priced Right

Price was obviously a huge sticking point for prospective C8 buyers from the start. Despite rumors that the mid-engine car would sell for over six figures, a base price of $59,995 was music to Corvette fans' ears.

>>Join the conversation about dealers marking up the C8 right here in the Corvette Forum!

Massive Markups

Of course, that magical number hasn't stopped some dealers from trying to profit from the C8's massive popularity. Reports indicate that prospective buyers have seen markups as high as $30,000 over sticker, which is downright insane.

>>Join the conversation about dealers marking up the C8 right here in the Corvette Forum!

Maxing Out

While some folks might be willing and able to pony up that kind of cash, many are not. So it's obviously important that there are actually C8s for sale at or close to the base price, because that might be the top of some folks' budget.

>>Join the conversation about dealers marking up the C8 right here in the Corvette Forum!

Useful Resource

So this thread is obviously a great tool for someone who can't afford or doesn't want to pay a dealer markup. Even better, a number of dealerships have posted stating that they refuse to participate in this greedy practice.

>>Join the conversation about dealers marking up the C8 right here in the Corvette Forum!

Trustworthy Relationship

And in our book, that makes us want to give our business to them even more. After all, why would you want to buy a car from a place that you can't trust?

>>Join the conversation about dealers marking up the C8 right here in the Corvette Forum!

Save a Buck

So if you're thinking about picking up a C8 for yourself, be sure and head over here to check out the extensive list. Who knows, you might just save yourself some hard-earned cash in the process!

>>Join the conversation about dealers marking up the C8 right here in the Corvette Forum!

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